About The Pastor
Hello, I am Tim Crans, pastor of Wagontown Union Chapel. My wife, Corinne and I would count it a privilege to serve you in such a way as to bring you closer to a genuine relationship found only in peace with God, through our Lord, Jesus Christ. Wagontown Chapel is a Bible-believing church. We are here to assist and encourage you through the clear and practical teaching of God’s Word, mixed with warm, friendly fellowship.
Wagontown Union Chapel invites you to all services. If you have any questions about our ministry or in need of spiritual assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.
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What we believe - 8 fundamental beliefs
God In Three Persons
(Jeremiah 10:10; I Timothy 2:5)
There is only one living God revealed in three persons - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, the same in substance, equal in power and glory.![](images/page2-img4.jpg)
The Bible
(II Timothy 3:16)
The inerrant (containing no errors ), verbal (every word), plenary (complete) inspiration of the Bible.![](images/page2-img5.jpg)
Substitutionary Atonement
(Romans 5:8; II Peter 3:9)
In the substitutionary atonement (died in our place to pay for our sins) of the Lord Jesus Christ.![](images/page2-img6.jpg)
Salvation through Faith
(Ephesians 2:8,9)
Salvation by grace through faith alone, and not by works.![](images/page2-img7.jpg)
We are all Sinners
(Romans 3:23)
The sinful condition of all men as a result of the fall.![](images/page2-img8.jpg)
Eternity in Heaven or Hell
(John 3:3; 5:24)
The eternal bliss of the saved in Heaven and the eternal punishment of the lost in Hell.![](images/page2-img9.jpg)
View of Last Things
(I Thessalonians 4:16-18)
The pre-tribulational, pre-millenial view of the last things.![](images/page2-img10.jpg)